Saturday, March 13, 2010

DynamicDuoTwins - "Motivational tip of the Week"

"Moment of Truth"

When the "Moment of Truth" arrives you will know it. This is the most pivotal moment in your personal and professional journey. By definition it is "A critical or decisive time on which much depends; or a crucial moment when a person or thing is put to the test. Many people have arrived at this moment in life totally unprepared. I know people who have stumbled upon this moment or just simply bumbled it. If you fully understood what happens in this moment you might have been more prepared. Once you are in this critical time period, there is no turning back. You cannot decide that you will not go forward or that you have changed your mind in essence it is a point of no return. The beautiful thing about the "Moment of Truth" is that if you have properly prepared yourself for this special event in your life it can be a glorious thing. There is no greater feeling than to enter this moment fully prepared. Athlete's train countless hours, working every muscle, blood, sweat and tears to prepare for this moment. When they arrive at the "Moment of Truth" they take in a deep breath as if to savor a sense of victory that comes with it. In the words of the bible "Luke 9:51 And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem." In this account of the scripture Jesus had arrived at the "Moment of Truth" . By setting his face he locked it toward Jerusalem like a brick mason setting a stone as he was now determined to complete his work on the cross. History has demonstrated that countless others having themselves been prepared for this moment entered into it with a sense of triumph. As you prepare for your journey don't take this moment lightly you too will soon arrive at your "moment of truth". What you do with this moment is up to you.

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