Monday, November 2, 2009

DynamicDuoTwins - "Motivational tip of the Week!"

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"99c don't make a dollar"

Sure you've heard the expression "99c don't make a dollar". An expression that means that falling short of the mark does not count as having accomplished the task. Until you've crossed the finish line you have not won the race. This would be true of any endeavor that you undertake. As in football it's not enough to push the ball all the way up field to the one yard line and not score a touch down. Until the ball is in the end zone you have not scored.
"Failure is not my Destiny." -- Eric M.
How often does it happen in our own personal lives and in our professional careers that we get very close to completing a project, a task or accomplishing a goal or an objective but than just short of completing it someting happens that prevents us from scoring a touchdown.  This can happen to anyone regardless of how well conceived the plan, or how well executed sometimes things do happen. The second question is what do you do should it happen? do you except defeat or do you keep moving forward with an alternative plan? The obvisous answer would be that we should keep moving forward with an alternative plan of action a plan "B" and a plan "C". While no one intentionally plans to fail, planning to succeed takes a lot of thought and effort on your part. It is essential that in your planning that you consider all the variables that could impact on your success. Have you validated all your assumptions and weighed your criteria? Have you developed at least 3 courses of action to follow should one not succeed? If you haven't utilized this process than your headed in the direction of "99c don't make a dollar". Far too many people are satisfied with almost making it, but real winners and champions will not settle for less. Achievment for them is just that "going all the way".
"Don't give up at half time. Concentrate on winning the second half." -- Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant
 Just remember as you climb closer to the top the air is always thinner. You will have chanllenges along the way but they are just reminders to keep us focused.
"If you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success; if you don't, you have achieved half your failure." -- David Ambrose

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