Tuesday, November 17, 2009

DynamicDuoTwins - "Motivational tip of the Week!"

module:  "Mind Set"

As a trained certified Black Belt instructor I taught my students when competing in martial arts competition to always focus their mind on winning. I taught them that winning is all about the "mind set". Its when you see yourself at the end of having already completed a task, a project, a goal or an objective that you can smell victory. A famous scene in the the movie "Apocalyse Now" occurs when the commander of an AirCav unit played by Robert Duvall refuses a request to transport a soldier who is considered to be a professional surfer. But rather instructs his pilots to capture a certain village along a dangerously fortified beach controlled by the enemy for the soldier to surf, since the beach which marks the opening to the river was perfect for surfing. Dismissing their concerns with the explanation that "Charlie don't surf!," the Commander  orders his men to saddle up in the morning to capture the town and the beach.

After helicopters swoop over the village and demolish all visible signs of resistance, a giant napalm strike in the nearby jungle dramatically marks the climax of the battle. This famous scene ends with the Commandre saying "I love the smell of napalm in the morning... The smell, you know that gasoline smell... Smells like, victory" 

" Your mental attitude is something you can control outright and you must use self discipline until you create a positive  mental attitude - your mental attitude attracts to you everything that makes you what you are." --Napoleon Hill 1883-1970, author of "Think and Grow Rich".

 There is no doubt that the Commander had a certain "mind set" that meant for him both success and victory. Developing a victorious "mind set" must be learned, nutured and takes alot of training. As leaders strive to inspire and engage, we need to fully understand the power of senses that lie within the mind.  Many have heard the expression, often said of players on winning sports teams, they wanted the win so bad, they could taste it. Well it's all about the "mind set". Senior Executives will establish new performance objectives for the year along with new annual goals; Account Executives will strategize sales tactics and techniques; Customer Service Representatives will re-visit customer issues and solutions with a "mind set" to be victorious. I'm reminded of a song by Frank Sinatra called the "September Song":

Oh, it’s a long, long while from May to December
But the days grow short when you reach September
When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
 One hasn’t got time for the waiting game

Remember that whatever you embark on its outcome will ultimately be determined by your "mind set". So think and achieve, think and succeed.

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