Monday, November 23, 2009

DynamicDuoTwins - "Motivational tip of the Week!"

module: "Sideline View"

One of the most critical positions when looking at something objectively is the view from the sideline. The "Sideline View" as it is called, is a point of strategic advantage for both player and coach. It allows one to see what the other cannot see. It's one thing to be playing in the game and another to be on the sideline watching from a different perspective.

Perspective by definition:  a specific point of view in understanding or judging things or events, esp. one that shows them in their true relations to one another.

Often times we are too involved in our daily activity or problem to see what is really going on due to our inability to step back away from it long enough to consider the true relationship. This is common for most people regardless of your level of expertise or success, we all need a "sideline view" to help us navigate through the maze of obstacles that can impede our progress. Imagine a boxer fighting in the ring without the benefit of having a manager in his corner to help him avoid a particular punch from his opponent. Most likely he would undoubtedly loss the fight. Imagine for a moment a football team playing football without the benefit of a coach to help them determine which plays to execute. It would be a disaster waiting to happen. Its amazing what can be seen from the sideline when you are the one observing. The sideline viewer can see distracting behaviors, patterns, attitudes, skill deficiencies just to name a few. In fact the sideline viewer can see what your competion is doing even before the game begins. Without this view you are powerless to win regardless of how well prepared you are. When you are engaged in a task or project your engagement is generally subjective which causes a loss of objectivity. Once you have become fully engaged you loss the objective benefit, which is critical to a sustained victory.  

So than we see that it is to our benefit to seek a "sideline view" from one who is able and equipped to see the entire playing field. If you’ve been operating without the benefit of this perspective than you have deprived yourself of a key advantage and have unquestionably hindered your success. Anyone close enough to you can provide this perspective ex., a colleague, a supervisor, a friend, or even a family member. The key is to be able to have access to a "sideline view" when it becomes necessary to your growth and success.

"When two people meet, there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as he wants to be seen, and each man as he really is." Michael De Saintamo

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